Water and natural environment

Natural environment and water resources preservation: BURGEAPs priority for more than 70 years.

BURGEAP engineers provide effective solutions to your resource management issues by taking into account the close link between surface and groundwater and the interactions between quantitative resource management and water and environment quality.

Groundwater management

This area concerns both thedefinition of “action plans” to restore the quality of a locally damaged resource and the “sustainable management” of large aquifers by carrying out harvestable volumes and delimitation studies.

Today, these plans include a “diffuse pollution of agricultural origin” component that we approach with the company’s agronomists.

Water Development and Management Plan – River Contracts

A Water Development and Management Plan must be developed using all the technical skills BURGEAP can offer.

The stakeholders consultation is a decisive phase, whose purpose is to guide decision-makers’ choices towards the most widely acceptable scenarios. This approach is based on an educational effort on synthetic mapping and communication.

Wetlands and biodiversity

In a real estate development including wetlands, the preservation of ecological heritage and biodiversity should not be seen as a constraint but as an opportunity to regenerate and promote this heritage in all its functions.

Using wetland as a management tool boosts its essential reservoir functions for flood retention, water purification and re-supply of groundwater tables. BURGEAP allows contracting authorities to access this knowledgeon the basis of a global view of the ground/surface water relation.

Active management of potable water resources

BURGEAP is the first French consulting company specialized in groundwater study and protection. It builds on more than 70 years of recognized skills in field hydrologeology, drilling sizing and flow digital modeling. BURGEAP helps preserve water resources by bringing its hydrogeological expertise to the active management of catchment areas.

BURGEAP carries out:

  • Catchment works sizing
  • Works diagnosis
  • Aquifer modelling to simulate aquifer exploitation scenarios
  • Flow report
  • Determination of drinking water supply catchment protection perimeters


Our hydrobiological experts diagnose the state of the continental aquatic environment (water and sediments) and suggest solutions to recover the good state of the environment. They perform the following missions:

  • Rivers and lakes initial state diagnosis
  • Intervention in organic monitoring networks
  • Industrial, motorway, urban and periurban waste discharges impact assessment
  • River, pond, gravel pits, artificial reservoir works impact assessment
  • Expert assessment (spatial and temporal comparative analysis of physicochemical and biological data)

The project team has skills and extensive experience in the field of hydrobiology (application of the IOBS index for 10 years) supported by the expertise of scientific and technical partners (M. Michel Lafont, retired from IRSTEA Lyon).

Watercourse and aquatic environment restoration

BURGEAP assists private and public contractors from pre-feasibility studies to project management.

  • River hydrological studies and diagnosis
  • River geomorphological and solid transport studies
  • Definition study of rivers and aquatic environment good functioning space
  • Implementation of the environmental objectives set in the master plan – SDAGE – to achieve a good ecological state of aquatic environments
  • Implementation of local and concerted aquatic environment management: actions and “river contract”/”territorial contract” program proposals
  • Watercourse ecological continuity restoration studies
  • Project management of watercourses physical rehabilitation works: plant-based engineering bank protection, re-meandering, rivers re-profiling and wetlands design, fish farming planning.

BURGEAP’s hydraulicians help contractors reconcile water management and territory sustainable development to preserve and restore the many features of damaged aquatic environment.

Flood risk management – Technical design and regulatory applications

BURGEAP carries out numerous studies for public (municipalities, state services, river organizations…) or private entities(companies, developers and industrial platforms near watercourses...).

  • State of play and hydrological and hydraulic diagnosis
  • Flood water line calculation
  • Flood zones and hazards mapping (by modelling and hydrogeomorphological approach)
  • Flood control design proposals
  • Comprehensive development scheme for flood risk management at the catchment scale
  • Project compliance with the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) requirements analysis, hydraulic transparency and definition of possible compensatory measures consistent with the Avoid, Reduce, Compensate sequence
  • Flood risk vulnerability diagnosis and action plan definition
  • Runoff and sludge control works management
  • Water Act application development and assistance throughout investigation

Storm water management–Technical design and regulatory applications

Storm waters are an important issue in development projects and industrial sites land-use planning, our hydraulic experts will help you define the right solutions to your problems

  • State of play and network diagnosis (dimensional and structural)
  • Network mapping
  • Network flows modelling and flood control arrangement proposals
  • Alternative techniques proposals to the water management network
  • Runoff management studies and project management (retention basins in rural and urban areas, motorway basins, pumping stations)
  • Water Act application development and assistance throughout investigation